Friday, December 18, 2009

Sightings a Plenty!

Thursday passed without word of sightings, but the outreach is working because today, we've found out that there have been plenty of sightings -- every day since Tundie disappeared!

Just after nine this morning, the first call came in of a live sighting that put our boy behind the Herndon police station. This was neither the first nor the last sighting at that location. Like nearly all of the sightings so far, this is just yards away from the W&OD trail. The sightings have all been between Herndon and Sterling, much more in Herndon than Sterling.

Canvassing, fliering, and feeding stations monitoring and setting up followed the sighting since Tundie wasn't captured, as wonderful as this red hot sighting was. This resulted in more sightings. And late this afternoon (seems like evening since it was dark), Mollie was given a chance to lure Tundie out of hiding. Mollie is Tundie's Westie buddy. Here's how the effort went down:

"About 5:30 she started barking like crazy and a large shadow slipped down the path and into the woods about thirty feet in front of us. Pretty sure it was Tundie since it came straight off the bike trail -- not likely for a deer. Anyway, we just sat and talked normallyfor about an hour and said his name a lot. Walked around the trail talking quietly one more time and headed home."

So, Saturday morning starts with checking the feeding stations at day break, and then waiting and watching for Tundie to start moving when the sun comes up. Let's all send our most positive vibes and prayers for this to work! We know all about the snow forecast, and what a challenge it's going to be to even get there, but we're talking determined here! And to find the positive in the snow forecast, it might enable tracks to Tundie's lair to be seen.  Even better -- it will cut down on the automobile traffic in the area.
Fortunately, there are some great folks living and working in Herndon, and also volunteers from German Shepherd Rescue that are helping out, between calling in the sightings, fliering, and searching along the trail, but we can never have too many folks helping. If you can help, please leave a comment here or send an email to offer your help. The one exception is that we are concerned that a lot of people on site at the W&OD trail might scare him off, so for that, we are not looking for volunteers. Fliering and passing out business cards -- that's what we'd like help with. Download the flier, or contact us by comment or email for the business cards.
Also on tap for Saturday, weather permitting, is the possibility of a track by Laura Totis, whose own German Shepherd, Chewy, is trained to trail the scent of missing pets. The plan right now is for Laura and Chewy to come out to Northern Virginia to track for Colby, lost in Burke.
Stay tuned for developments. Hopefully, the reunion!

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