Friday, December 18, 2009

Cautionary Note for Sighters & Searchers

While one of the sightings learned about today had Tundie playing with a couple of neighborhood dogs, a couple of the people who called in sightings today commented on his ears down badly frightened demeanor.

If you see Tundie, please be very careful to avoid scaring him off! Some of the things to do include avoiding eye contact, refraining from calling his name or speaking directly to him, and no fast movements or movements in his direction. Don't pat the ground for him to come, or make smooching sounds. He may not run at your mere presence, if you are NOT paying attention to him, but he is likely to retreat if he picks up that you are paying attention to him. The ONLY exception is that if you are able to discreetly snap a picture of him with your phone, that would be immensely appreciated. This can help verify that it is Tundie that you see.

Best if you get low to the ground -- sitting, squatting, crouching, or better yet, lay down if you can! Put your back to him, and toss treats over your shoulder at him. These are actions that should not cause him to disappear again, and you can call immediately. We are not asking anyone to be the hero and to try to capture him. We are asking that you keep him in the area if you can do it with non-threatening behavior, and give his owner an opportunity to come as this will have the highest chance of success in pursuading him to come.

Thank you in advance for your help finding Tundie, and please leave a comment if you have other tips for sighters and searchers!


  1. Looks to me like he's heading home to Sue. Sue: Got anything that smells of him, chewed rags etc? Put em on the porch in the wind?

  2. Sunday evening around 8 p.m. I took 2 dogs for a walk up to the Reston Nat'l Club House. Thunder ran out from the upper patio that is protected from the wind. He seemed fine & we hung around without going toward him but he had immediately run down below and I did not see him again. I left him some treats at the entrance to the covered patio where I have no doubt he will spend the night tucked away from the wind.
